Mar 25 2025

Funny Anniversary Gifts

clowning around. Funny anniversary gifts are great if you are getting a gift for a friend’s anniversary. Funny gifts are a bit riskier if you are getting an anniversary gift for your partner. They might take offense if they don’t have the same sense of humor as you do. Likewise, they might also take umbrage if they expected something fancy like jewelry. In either case you could be in the dog house. If you and your partner love clowning around, go for it!


Great Deals on Funny Anniversary Gifts

Cards & T-Shirts

Funny cards and t-shirts are a pretty safe gift if you are going to an anniversary party for friends and just can’t see giving them wine glasses or fine china.

Zazzle has a selection of amusing anniversary cards, t-shirts and mugs, including a few that you can personalize.  The website Anniversary Gifts by Year will refer you to a number of humorous card retailers and e-card websites where you can purchase amusing anniversary cards.

British website Comedy Card offers an array of scathingly funny cards for a significant other with a great sense of humor (or is it humour?).

Crossing the Chasm to Crazy

The website Prezzybox has a page devoted to stupid gifts that are perfect for clowning around as a couple. Some of the hits include a poop hat game, goth bath bombs, socks with your face on it, and an inflatable “perfect date” doll. Whether these gifts work depends on how humorous your partner is.

A humorous couple

Looking for comical print or poster for your anniversary gift the website Find Gift offers many prints which can be personalized with your recipients’ faces, names and anniversary dates. There are also two anniversary toilet paper rolls you can order as a humorous gift. One is a play on the first anniversary gift suggestion of paper and the other has a more generic “Happy Anniversary I Love You” message printed on each sheet of the toilet paper.

Board games for the bedroom are another fun loving gift you might consider if you know a couple very well. It also works if you are looking for a… uh… “fun” gift you and your partner can enjoy. There are many board game choices on Eden Fantasys which range from explicit to downright naughty.

Humorous Photo Collage or Video Slideshow

You could do a blooper-like collection of humorous photos and video clips from the couple’s life together. This can really be funny if the couple is celebrating a 25 plus anniversary because of the funny old pictures with once trendy, leisure suits and tie died t-shirts.  If you need help digitalizing the photos try Scan My Photos.

Wacky selfie

Once the pictures are digitized, you can upload them online. A few good sites to make collages or slideshows include Flickr, Shutterfly, and Smugmug.

Another gift idea is to have some of those blooper photos framed. Michaels has a collection of collage frames you can choose from. A variation on this theme if you want to get a year of fun out of this gift is to give one of these pictures each month for a year. If you were married on the 8th put one of the framed photos on the pillow on the eighth each month for the next year.

Funny Anniversary Gesture

If this is a 25-plus anniversary and if you have the money (or a friend with a used car lot), rent a car that looks like the first car you had when you got married. Or buy it, Mister or Miss high roller. Park it in the drive way the night before and then invite your spouse out for breakfast. They will gasp and remember that first year. This is a funny and romantic gesture that capitalizes on nostalgia. Just be sure you don’t get a lemon.

Get a local stone mason to carve a stone with a special message and your anniversary date on a garden stone or bench or go on line to Kay Berry and order a stone with your message and your anniversary date. Place the stone somewhere in the garden. Sometime on your anniversary day make sure you and your spouse take a walk in the garden. Let her find the stone. She will be impressed you remembered and went to the trouble to have your anniversary date memorialized.  Just one word of warning!  Don’t pick one that looks like a tombstone.

Remember That Comedy You Watched Together?

Movie time

A little nostalgia can be a romantic thing. Get a copy of a favorite movie that made you both laugh out loud. Make a little popcorn and sit down and watch it together sometime during your anniversary day. You never know where this might lead. Fun times from the past are often easily forgotten. An old favorite will give you both the time to reflect on those good times in a world that often moves very fast. Catch some of your favorite movies on Netflix and chill.

Funny Anniversary Gift Advice

This is a tricky category of gifts. Except for the cards, I only recommend you try to pull off a gag anniversary gift if you are absolutely sure the recipient will appreciate the humor of the gift.


One response so far

One Response to “Funny Anniversary Gifts”

  1. Carla Gilleyon 03 Mar 2010 at 10:33 pm

    Thanks for including our sassy an stylish undies in your Anniversary gift suggestions!

    Our comfy and cute panties, with sassy sayings on the back, are the perfect gift for your anniversary.

    With multiple sayings available, there’s a Smart Ass Gift for everyone. She can kick up her style with a “domestic diva” thong.
    Or if you are married with children – she’ll get a panty pep talk every time she wears “hot mama” or “yummy mummy”.

    Priced at $20, beautifully packaged, ready for giving AND a $3 flat fee shipping rate makes your purchase fun and affordable.

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